Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Response prompts Post

I've been inspired by some of my colleagues and their blogs so, here I go again. It's been over a year since my last post on this blog. So much has happened in my life, as probably yours too, that it's worth contemplating. Writing helps size it up! Someone responded to one of my posts last year. Thank you! I've been back to my full time corporate job as well as reading hands, practicing hypnotherapy and Emotional Freedom Techniques. Bringing tools for wellness to people is very rewarding. I have also been leading workshops for personal change in Visalia at the Sacred Mountain and at my new Lounge. It's all about seeing differently.... seeing from a new perspective. Getting empty, every now and then helps too. Check out my web site at http://www.kaypackard.com/ for more info about my services and workshop calendar.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Starting from the End

A Course in Miracles says the goal is "the Holy Instant." What comes to mind for you when you hear that phrase? Absolute and undeniable peace and tranquility? The split second of calm between the in and the out breath?

Sometimes, perhaps even most of the time, the best way to acheive a goal is to start at the end. If we were to do that now, how could we start at the Holy Instant? Ahhhh - forgiveness would be done. Anything and everything that needed to be forgiven would be done. The illusion would be shattered. Separation no more!

Consider the benefits of starting from the end - from the goal. You are what you seek. We have it ALL within. Quiet the world, even for an instant and you'll get it!

Ernest Holmes said, "Keep a prepared mind for the best that can happen." Let's prepare for and expect the totality available in that Holy Instant.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Pay Day

Today is the first day I'll be receiving a paycheck from Boeing in 6 months.... and it feels good. I've been back to work for nearly 2 weeks... although working from home in beautiful Three Rivers. Reconnecting (virtually) with my Boeing buddies has been wonderful. It's like I never left. Most people ask, "Why did you take a leave of absence?" "Sanity sabbatical" I reply. Yes, everyone needs one of those. I'm grateful for the ability and the guts to do it. We Americans are on the economical fast track... well, many of us are. I am surrounded by a number of people who do not place as much value on money or things, but rather the unseen. It's ALWAYS good to see differently... and then differently from that.

During my time off from Boeing, I also like to say, "I got fat, dumb and happy." To me that means, 'unconcerned about so much responsibilities, empty of the drama, much of the illusion, and what I believed to be true, and tranquil' Hand Analysis, EFT, and Hypnotherapy wasn't work to me. That was/is living! Now, it's a matter of blending - blending the tranquility with everyday affairs. How is that done? One tip I came across last night follows.

Our brains are pretty darn powerful, agreed? In the East, the brain is recognized as the thousand petals and is the seat of complete Consciousness. There are many levels of consciousness, but let's just start where we are. "The Bhagavad Gita Interpretations of Sriyukteswar" describes that below the brain and above the backbone, between the eyebrows there is a Kurma nerve, also called the medulla. When concentration is focused on that nerve, a light reveals that destroys restlessness. Take a moment and close your eyes. Take in a breath and focus on this spot. See how it feels for you.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

How is Your Issue Serving You?

Our pains, excessive emotions, and anxiety often times serve us in some way. After all, we've become accustomed to the related behaviors. Ailments often bring safety - safety because the picture created by the issue is predictable. There is benefit in a predictable and controlled picture. Anxiety is caused by worry. Many of us are seasoned worriers. After all, if we don't do the worrying, who will? Anxiety has often taken years to perfect. Could it be related to the fear of the future? Is our security at risk if we don't worry about it? Were you taught to take care of yourself at a very early age? Perhaps you were responsible for your parents as a young child. I hear of this often. When responsibility abounds, beginning early in life, we form a sort of addiction to that responsibility. It's easier to plan for the future than to be present, now... and to perhaps even have fun. Many times when I see a marker in the hand indicating 'early childhood responsibility' or hear about a client's fierce hold on responsibility I ask, "what do you do to have fun?" Typically, answers do not come quickly, if at all. I encourage you to become more aware of your need for planning, responsibility and security. Does it consume your thoughts and actions? What would it take to become more balanced? A mindful walk each day? Considered sight on a fluttering humming bird? Conscious presence with a breath?

This isn't about relinquishing all hold on responsibility and banishing anxiety. However, this is about getting clarity about the root causes of worry which form the picture of anxiety. If tranquility is something you long for, give yourself permission to do something fun - to skip planning one more activity that requires seriousness. Or better yet, maybe it's time to consider a serious form of play. I invite you to just consider a shift in perception about the excessive need for responsibility.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The New Location for Appointments

Since becoming certified in EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and Hypnotherapy, I now invite clients to come into the office from a new entrance on the side of my home. I've been reading hands for nearly 4 years in my living room where the entrance was through the front door. It's been a great space, indeed. It's nice now to have a dedicated area for clients to come and learn more about themselves, take steps toward their life purpose or goals. This is a great place to explore seeing differently.

You're Invited to Relax and Go Inward

This is a space and time for you. Leave your concerns outside. You are welcome and encouraged to go inward in this comfortable and peaceful setting. It's time to breathe!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Kay's World of Wellness

After reading this you'll be able to scroll down on my blog to see the associated diagram. The "Guide for Living on Purpose" is something I created to describe the methods I use to support a client for living a life of peace. I've heard many of the people I've worked with tell me how much better they feel about themselves, their 'mistakes', and their future after applying these tools. They feel more balanced, free and able to get a glimpse of the present.

Here's how it works, in simple terms:

1. You have a Purpose, Desire and/or Goal
2. The patterns on your finger tips are decoded to reveal your Life Purpose (Living on track)
3. The inverse of your life purpose is identified so you can correct your thinking to get back on track
4. Again, the patterns on your finger tips are read to describe your Life Lesson (Required for living on track)
5. The value and necessity of the Life Lesson is described
6. The Life Lesson in it's exalted state is described so you can aim for that target
7. Emotional blocks are cleared with EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques
8. Your directions for living on purpose are reinforced with Hypnotherapy

Like a trip to your most favorite vacation destination, the adventure of the journey is often the most educational, memorable and enjoyable part. The rewards for taking the journey inward are priceless.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

What is EFT?

My certification includes EFT as well. "What is EFT", you ask? Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) has been used by thousands of people with great success.

EFT relieves symptoms through a routine that employs tapping with the fingertips on various body locations around the head, shoulders and hands. This tapping serves to balance energy meridians. Emotionally distressing circumstances create particular energy fields in the body. EFT is used to disrupt the associated bio-electric state and open up the energy pathways or meridians to let the energy flow smoothly.

This technique neutralizes the body’s electrical system, stops the chemical chain reaction and frees you from emotional, mental, and physical discomfort. Basically, there is an unplugging from the charge caused by a trauma and the energy is released and dissolved.

Typically the results are lasting. This can be done on yourself also, so it becomes an extraordinary tool that can be used in the course of your daily life.

Friday, June 1, 2007

What is Hypnosis - Really?

I'm half way through my hypnotherapy course and loving it. When complete I'll be certified with the National Guild of Hypnotists. I've summarized the following to explain what's it's about: Hypnosis is a highly effective way to reach peak concentration through an altered state of consciousness. While it may resemble sleep in some ways, it is actually an intense alertness while being deeply relaxed. Conscious thinking is minimized. Outside sensory information is blotted out to allow an induced receptiveness of the subconscious mind. Your attention is focused deeply on your desires and goals through the use of suggestions. The suggestions, by your choice, slip past the conscious mind and enter the subconscious where they are accepted and acted upon without criticism. Every suggestion that is accepted initiates a belief that results in conviction and therefore new behavior.

Without giving up control or becoming unconscious, the hypnotherapist taps into the inner wellspring of wisdom and power that lies within the individual.

Exploding Myths about Hypnosis

#1 The subject will not loose consciousness
#2 The subject will not be made to do what s/he does not desire to do
#3 The subject does not surrender the will; s/he is always in control.
#4 The subject will not get ‘lost’ in hypnosis; there is always a presence of mind

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mountain Healers Meeting May 11, 2007

Pictured: Charlene Natoli, Sage Lee, Kay Packard, Janene Lasswell, Brenda Proudfoot, Torey Votaw, Kristie Tilchen, Susan Lamberson, Marcy Frazier, Sage Lee, Denise Hartley, Leah Spenser, Richard Blakemore, Jalene Vincent-Welch, Kate McLane, Asta Fraken.

Mountain Healers Meeting May 11, 2007

A well attended Mountain Healers Association (name TBD) gathering on May 11. Pictured (not in order of appearance) Sage Lee, Charlene Natoli, Janene Lasswell, Brenda Proudfoot, Kristi Tilchen, Susan Lamberson, Marcy Frazier, Denise Hartley, Leah Spenser, Richard Blakemore, Janene Vincent-Welch, Kate McLane, Asta Fraken. Not pictured, but in attendance: Torey Votaw. Our next meeting is scheduled for Fri. Jun. 8 from 1:00 to 3:00pm at the same location. Spread the word.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Half Way Mark

I have hit the half way mark of my sabbatical from Boeing. Life is good, all the way around. The weirdest part about not working is that many of my friends and work-peers ARE still working. It's really just something that I need to consider before calling and making plans with the 'working people'. I have a new appreciation for the entrepreneurial self-employed. Personal choice and comfort levels allow a person to be OK with not knowing where their next 'job' will come from, for how long, and how much money. I admire the trust the self-employed have in their abilities, the process, and what ever else goes along with them moving forward. I like getting a pay check. I miss getting a pay check. But I also love exploring my passions - mainly hand analysis and writing. I will also be certified as a Hypnotherapist by Jun. 10, 2007. Our subconscious mind takes in any and all seeds - good and bad. I see too many people planting the bad seeds which in turn sprout and grow. I've been there myself. It's easy to do with so much negative influence in the world. Noticing what's happening is the first step to change. Be aware of what is going through your conscious mind to get to your subconscious mind. The choice IS yours. More to come on this topic.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Mountain Healers Association

Our first mini meeting was held April 13, 2007 to determine if there is an interest to connect and build a community for health, wellness and healing in Three Rivers. The smiles say 'Yes'. Pictured in the two shots: Charlene Natoli, Susan Lamberson, Sage Lee, Kristi Tilchen, Janene Lasswell, Jalene Vincent-Welch, Deborah Warren, Brenda Proudfoot, Cathy Franklin. Our next meeting is to-be-determined. See you all, and more, there! Let's dream in the hive and go out and make it happen.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Happy View

For Happy Hour Mar. 30, 2007.

Happy Erin and Happy Petit

Mar. 30, 2007 brought a few people together for happy hour. Erin and Petit served as mascots for the occasion.

Beth Going for Black Belt

Tai Kwon Do has been part of Beth's after-school activities for a few years. She will be testing for her black belt in 2008. Go Beth Go!

Warming (Bon) Fire

The fire code approves having a warming fire without a burn permit. It started out as a BON fire after 1/4 bottle of lighter fluid was poured onto the boxes, paper and wood to get it started. But if sure felt nice to be around.

Tony and Evan Thinking about Getting Crazy-er

They're just getting warmed up!

Last Happy Shot - Mar. 30, 2007

Center of Attention: Antony and Evan. Amazing shots are captured when I yell, "World Wide Web" just before clicking the camera.

Birthday Boy

Ben (passenger) turned 50 something on Mar. 27, 2007. To celebrate, 30 of his pals celebrated his B-Day with a golf scramble in Three Rivers. Fun was definitely had by all.

LeRoy and Ben

LeRoy (driver) and Ben (passenger) are crusin down the 6th fairway. Linda, Ben's wife, bought him a new set (or actually A set) of clubs for his birthday. I think we'll need to give then another opportunity for use in 2008.

Rudy and Big Mikie

Rudy is our local pro. He gives me tips to help me out drive 'em all! Big Mikie got the award for the longest drive in this golf scramble. His drive is my target.

Where's my golf ball?

I'm not sure if this team is looking for their golf balls or just confused.

What do you think?

Friday, March 30, 2007

Who are these Girls?

Who are these girls and what are they doing?

Beer Babes

Did I mention we had 'Beer Babes' running wild on the course?

My Favorite Partner

Sean likes to drive the cart in circles running over the golf balls of his competition.

Look Out - Here Comes Cliff

And he Rocked!

One of the Few Brave Women to Scramble

Joyce was brave to venture onto the course this day.

Benny Packard Birthday Scramble Mar. 24, 07

Heart on Rock

Sean carved this heart out of stone, then mounted it onto a larger group of rocks. This is a centerpiece at the White Horse Inn Wedding grounds in 3-Rivers. As the two love birds say, "I do" and are pronounced husband and wife they can see this magnificant piece of art with water running over the top into a pond below.

Barefoot Golf?

Yep, it's true. There are no rules against barefoot golfing on this golf course.

Golfing 3-Rivers Style

View from the 4th Tee looking to Alta Peak in Mar. 07.

Rowdy Roger

I can't share the story of how Roger introduced himself to me about 3 years ago. But since, our circles of friends have (gladly) come together. He is a great golfer and knows how to have fun on the golf course.

Logan's Paw

Sometime in his 4th year of life.

I Dig These Kids

They're great guides for living.

Three is a Charm

Loco Logan

He may look meek, timid and shy... but you get this one on the living room floor and some hip hop and he turns into crazy man! You Go Logan!!!

Presenting Riley Rue

Ladies and Gentlemen, from Lake Tahoe, I'd like to present Riley Chapman.

Drueby the Cutie

Ladies and Gentleman, From Lake Tahoe, I'd like to present Drueeeee Chapman!

Brownie Break

Cream Cheese Brownies are on the menu today. Of course I always have to sample the first one to make sure it's worthy to serve to others. If you're into baking try this: 1 package Betty Crocker Super Moist German chocolate cake mix (don't substitute for devils food or any other chocolate - I tried that). 1 package 8oz cream cheese, softened. 1 egg. 1/2 cup sugar. 1/2 cup milk chocolate chips. Chopped walnuts are optional. Heat oven to 350 degrees. grease a 9X13 cake pan. Prepare cake mix as directed on package. Pour batter into pan. Mix remaining ingredients. Drop spoonfuls onto the batter. Cut through batter with knife several times for marbled effect. Sprinkle top with additional chocolate chips and chopped nuts if desired. Bake until cake springs back when lightly touched or when wooden tooth pick inserted in center comes out clean. About 35-40 minutes. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My New Look

Pioneers welcome and even encourage change. As of early Mar. 07 I changed my hair. Halloween is one of my favorite times of year. The Austin Powers/Beetles hairdo is in my costume box. I liked the wig and the color so much that I took it in to my hair stylist and said, "Can you make me look like this?". When my brother, Cliff, came over I put on the wig and took off the wig. Not much change :-)